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Does my dog have to be spayed or neutered?

Does my dog have to be spayed or neutered? - Haines Road Animal Hospital

I highly recommend having your dog spayed or neutered.

Does my dog have to be spayed or neutered? - The Waggin' Train Veterinary Clinic

No, of course not. Nope. Nope. No, no. No. They don't have to be spayed or neutered. I'm stumbling on the question because very few people have that standpoint. Obviously, if your dog is going to be a breeding animal, well then, hello, you can't do that. Do they have to? No. Do I think it's a wise decision for dogs that are not going to be bred? Yes.

Does my dog have to be spayed or neutered? - Advanced Animal Care

They don't have to be. If you don't do it, there are some implications that can come along with it, regarding some responsibility on your part, and also some health issues that can occur later on down the road.

Does my dog have to be spayed or neutered? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

No, they do not. There are instances where we would not recommend spaying and neutering, like if you're planning to breed the animal or if there is a health concern with a risk for anesthesia. Things of that nature will make us recommend not spaying or neutering. On the whole, if you're not planning to breed the dog where there isn't necessarily a reason, at some point, it's recommended to spay and neuter because it can lower the chances of a number of health concerns.

Does my dog have to be spayed or neutered? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

No, spaying or neutering your dog or cat is ultimately your decision. However, it is highly recommended, even if you plan to breed. Spaying or neutering can extend your pet's life and help prevent certain diseases.

Contributed by from Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Does my dog have to be spayed or neutered? - Ridgetowne Animal Clinic

We would recommend it. If you're not showing your dog or breeding your dog, there are a lot of health risks that come with your pet being intact or un-spayed or un-neutered.

Does my dog have to be spayed or neutered? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

No, dogs can go through their lives with their reproductive tracts intact. A spay is an ovario-hysterectomy, and a neutering is a castration. If your dogs are intended for breeding, then they can remain intact. However, we strongly recommend discussing with your veterinarian before deciding to breed your dog, as we need to consider potential genetic health issues. We can prevent a lot of health-related diseases by spaying and neutering your pet. Therefore, veterinarians usually recommend spaying and neutering, especially if they're intended to be a pet. This helps ensure that you have a safe and healthy pet.

Does my dog have to be spayed or neutered? - All Animals Veterinary Clinic

The short answer is no, your dog does not have to be spayed or neutered. However, it is very strongly recommended for non-breeding dogs as they are at a higher risk of developing infections in their uterus or developing ovarian, mammary or testicular cancer. If you intend to use your dog for breeding purposes, it is advisable to have them fixed as soon as you're done breeding.