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Does a microchip ensure my cat will be found?

Does a microchip ensure my cat will be found? - The Waggin' Train Veterinary Clinic

I'd love to answer that, yes, but unfortunately, the answer is no. Why? Because it's not a tracking device. If the cat shows up at somebody else's house and they say, "Oh, look at this cute little kitty," and they just take him, it doesn’t mean they're bad people. But if they never take the cat to a vet or a shelter, they have no way to know that the cat belonged to someone else before. Unfortunately, microchipping doesn't guarantee you'll get the cat back, but I would certainly say that it will increase the odds that you will get them back.

Does a microchip ensure my cat will be found? - Checkout Veterinary

Unfortunately, there are no guarantees that your cat can be found, but if the cat is located, a microchip is your best bet to get the cat back home with you.

Does a microchip ensure my cat will be found? - Haywood Animal Hospital

A microchip does not guarantee that your cat will be found, but it does increase the likelihood of your cat being returned to you if they are found and brought to a location that can scan the microchip. It is essential to register your pet's microchip and keep your contact information up-to-date to ensure the best chance of being reunited with your lost pet.