How does my veterinarian decide which lab tests to order for my cat?

How does my veterinarian decide which lab tests to order for my cat? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

The pet’s age would determine that, along with the results of other tests that you do that might spur you on a different test. We usually do what's most common. We're looking for what's most common, but not all cats read the books, so sometimes we have to dig a little deeper to find an answer to these problems. We usually take it step by step. Owners appreciate it when we're not just running five tests at one time.

How does my veterinarian decide which lab tests to order for my cat? - Brunswick Veterinary Hospital

It depends on the cat's clinical picture. Depending on the cat's condition, we might prioritize certain lab tests or add additional ones. For instance, if we suspect hyperthyroidism, we'll add a test to check the cat's thyroid levels.