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Book a demo of the industry-leading marketing program for veterinarians

Countryside Veterinary Clinic signed on with the GeniusVets team 1 1/2 years ago.

Countryside Veterinary Clinic signed on with the GeniusVets team 1 1/2 years ago. Although I had attended a live informational session and also had them evaluate my existing website, I really had no idea how helpful and thorough this relationship would become. First, we set up my new website. I wanted my site to be very technical and business-like, only to learn that clients like to search with fewer medical terms. So, we compromised. Next, I received a life-long consultant, Dennis. Dennis reaches out to me with small projects, such as standardizing our staff pages, making videos about our services, blogging consistently, creating city pages, and providing professional blogs and social media calendars for our website, Facebook, and Instagram accounts. We also go over the SEO data together. Our online presence has soared, and we also noticed the increased traffic to our clinic! Our appointment schedule is filled, and everyone is busier and happier as the day flies by.

- MaryBeth Soverns, Owner