
Doctor Answer
A contact allergy is when they've lain on something or sat on something that's very irritating to their skin. ...
Pet Owner Blog
Horses are majestic creatures, but let’s be honest, sometimes they can be a little... cryptic....
Doctor Answer
Yes, most of our heartworm preventatives actually contain dewormers....
Doctor Answer
Ensure you're picking up their stool every time they go to the bathroom. That way, other pets in the household do not come in contact with it. ...
Doctor Answer
Yes, most of them. Roundworms, hookworms, both of those can actually be something that we can get....
Doctor Answer
To prevent tapeworms, you need to prevent fleas. Make sure your dog is on a monthly flea medication. ...
Doctor Answer
Most of the time, worms are not visible in the stool. They're microscopic eggs that we have to see under a microscope....
Doctor Answer
We test dogs for worms by using a fecal sample and we usually ask the pet owner to bring one in ahead of time. ...
Doctor Answer
Yes, all intestinal parasites can be prevented. ...
Doctor Answer
Most of the time, nothing noticeable occurs....
Doctor Answer
Worms are very common in dogs. They're more common in puppies, but we do see them in dogs of any age. ...
Doctor Answer
The medication used depends on the type of worm. Sometimes we'll use Pyrantel, sometimes Fenbendazole, sometimes Proziquantel....
Doctor Answer
Dogs can get intestinal parasites through fecal-oral transmission, meaning that they ingest feces, or they can pick it up from licking their paws w...
Doctor Answer
Typically, dogs get worms through fecal oral transmission....
Doctor Answer
Worms can last for as long as your dog has them, so they can be in there for years. ...
Doctor Answer
We usually prefer to send home medication, so yes, you can deworm your dog at home but we typically use prescribed medications for you. ...
Doctor Answer
Indeed, indoor dogs can still get intestinal parasites....
Doctor Answer
Worms aren't painful to the dog, but they can cause them to be a little bit more uncomfortable. ...
Doctor Answer
Untreated worms can actually cause a dog to die. This is because it causes so much GI upset that the dog is not getting the proper nutrition. ...