Is there more than one type of acupuncture?

Is there more than one type of acupuncture? - Haywood Animal Hospital

There are three different schools of training for acupuncture. Essentially, though, they are all based on Chinese traditional medicine. They all work, just in different ways.

Is there more than one type of acupuncture? - Two Hands Fours Paws

There are four types of acupuncture. The most common is dry needling, where a needle is inserted into the skin at a certain pressure point. The second is electroacupuncture, which involves attaching electrodes to the needles to stimulate energy at those sites. The third type, chemo or acupuncture, involves using saline, vitamin B, or even the patient's own blood being injected into the pressure points for a longer effect. The last type is moxibustion, where an herb is burned over certain sites to stimulate heat in the area.