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While X-rays are excellent for aiding in diagnosis as they give us an idea of the general shape and size of the heart, an echocardiogram lets us lo...
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Cardiomyopathy is a blanket term for a problem in the muscle of the heart, so cardiomyopathy is a problem in the heart muscle, and that can arise f...
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In our experience, we do see more behavioral issues with certain breeds such as German Shepherds, Australian Shepherds, and Australian Blue Heeler-...
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If your puppy is vaccinated and well protected, you can take them almost anywhere that allows dogs for socialization....
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Your veterinarian will want to know the specifics of your dog's behavior, such as when it occurs, what triggers it, if anything alleviates it, when...
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Heart failure in dogs is when we're starting to notice not only the signs of cardiac disease but a decompensation, where they're no longer able to ...
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Spaying or neutering can sometimes help with specific behavioral issues, but it's not a cure-all....
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The basic vaccines required for dog training classes usually include the Distemper-Parvo combination, Rabies vaccine, and most places also require ...
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The prognosis for dogs with heart issues varies depending on how early we find it....
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Usually, behavioral problems do not resolve themselves....
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You should ask your veterinarian about the potential cause of your dog's behavior, what type of training might be beneficial if there are any medic...
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The first sign of a heart issue in a dog varies....
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Most commonly, we see two forms of heart enlargement, one due to a leaky valve, the mitral valve, typically, that we call hypertrophic cardiomyopat...
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Environmental enrichment involves making your dog's environment more exciting. This could include providing a variety of toys or activities....
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Obedience training should be started as soon as possible. Ideally, you should start training your dog as soon as you get them....
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You should seek professional help as soon as you notice something is off or different with your dog....
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A board-certified cardiologist is a specialist who's focused their entire career towards cardiac health....